marred masterpieces
Modernity is the age of the self. Its the age of enlightenment, the age of reason. The age of the advent of science upon the age of tradition. The age where structures become the super-structure, the construction of the matrix amidst the chaos. Yet still, the age of free will, of personal choice over that of the governed, the dictated, the ruled. The age where we abolish the supremacy of one religion, only to have us take on a new one steeped in rhetorical facts, blind-slighted figures, supraquantum experimentation and reprieved theories. Its the age of the belief in the Belief.
Modernity takes its toll on tradition in some ways.

Modernity takes its toll on tradition in many ways.

Modernity takes its toll on tradition in all ways...
Modernity takes its toll on tradition in some ways.

Modernity takes its toll on tradition in many ways.

Modernity takes its toll on tradition in all ways...
At 9:29 PM,
kim said…
we need a holiday.
At 3:44 PM,
hold up the sky said…
hear hear!!!
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