Day 36: Running blind

I had a horse, his name was Mac. He was a gorgeous stallion that was way too high for my tiny self; too fast for me to really stay firmly on my straddle; too powerful for me to really be able to fully keep him under control. But he knew that I was a novice rider, he seem to sense that this tiny girl, totally fearful of heights and too much wild speed needed him to know what he was doing. Half the time I didn't even know where I was headed, so needed Mac to be privy to those little details.
And he did. He reigned in his sheer power to a managable pace, he would be sure to stand absolutely still till I was nicely mounted, he would steadily push my comfort zone- picking up pace moderately, moving from walking to trotting, to cantering then a full out gallop. And because he took me into consideration I learnt to ride, to jump, to gallop...
I've been running blind for a long while, I think. And thanks to you Macs in my life, you've kept me safe and sound. I've learnt to ride, to jump and even to gallop under your patient tutlege. Thank you.
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