Day 29: When it's time

The last two years, the two of us have tried our best to find ways to fit into each others life. Given how similar our values are, the things we like and the stuff we like to busy ourselves with, it should have real easy for our lives to meld, mesh and makes sense with each other. Obviously, that has not happend and we've both begun taking our own paths, choosing different turnings and side roads to venture into. We meet occasionally, speak incessantly about getting together- but something always comes up.
Tonight's girly catch-up was good. Tonight our little chat confirmed a lot of things for me, it brought me a stillness and peace about several pressing issues, especially where the fusion of our lives. It has shown me that everything happens in good time, and things happen for a reason. That though sometimes I can't see why I'm walking the path I'm on, that I doubt, get totally terrified.... it will all be revealed to me in due time. And when I falter, when I question and start to worry beyond what I can handle- I only need to know that I don't always have to know what lies beyond the bend.
And its ok.
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