i've got issues

I had a hoot looking at these...
May and I spent a long long time Friday night having huge Harry Potter discussion and playing online Harry Potter games- yeah, the things that entertain me on a Friday night- and much as she knows way alot about loads of stuff, there some Harry Potter issues that she was not able to find me a sufficiently adequate answer, and this was after we actually went online to look for answers. (May and I are weird like that, we talk of having our own little Harry Potter party and all... its strange. Then again, she's the only one who shares not just my Harry Potter fascination, but my previous X-files-in-the-Mulder-days obsession, by Buffy-ness and my Storm Rider raves. She's a fierce friend and a rare find I must admit in the bizzare Cherieness of this world. Thanks May for keeping me sane these past years.)
So, my current hugest issue with Harry Potter:
Hermione earns 11 OWLS (in HBP). From what my understanding, she takes Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Care of magical animals, History of Magic, Potions. That makes 10 subjects. I refuse to believe Flying is considered a subject, after all, Harry didn't take it, she stormed out of Divination (PoA) and dropped Muggle studies (PoA). So someone please tell me what her 11th subject is.
Don't ask me why this bugs me. It just does. I'm just strange that way. :)
And yes, for the record, I have HUGE issues with Mike Gambon's portayal of Dumbledore.

At 9:15 AM,
kim said…
haha i think youre damn cute lah what the hell
At 11:32 AM,
hold up the sky said…
you call it cute, some call it anal, others call it totally downright weird. Just met your mom, thanks for the gifts.
cheers babe... :)
At 5:21 PM,
kim said…
:) :)
At 11:39 PM,
Sngs Alumni said…
'rie, tell you la, it's P.E. NAPFA test and all - what else does Madame Hooch do?
Or maybe she takes E maths and A maths... with Professor Vector and Professor Graph...
At 1:11 AM,
sunair. said…
haha. maybe you think a lil too much. Anyway, i think she gets a A1 for 9 subjects and an A2 for the other, which makes it 11 OWLs. That's my guess. Ha. Talk about personal assistant, want me? i'm available! hahahaahahahah. take care.
At 5:48 AM,
Sngs Alumni said…
Snape will die! And Peter Pettigrew will save the day... because Harry saved his life (see PoA, pg 311: "Pettigrew owes his life to you. You have sent Voldemort a deputy who is in your debt... This is magic at its deepest, most impenetrable, Harry. But... the time may come when you will be very glad you saved Pettigrew's life.")
At 1:57 AM,
hold up the sky said…
yoyu have not answerd the question i need answering....
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