First let me say that I've never really owned one of these motivational posters, you know the ones with the eagle soaring or the lighthouse even thoough I'm in the business, so to say. I don't know why, really. Maybe it seemed all too cliched. I did have, though, a poster of Muhammed Ali and his daughter from the Adidas "Impossible is nothing" series. There was a third, David Beckham, so you can understand why I didn't aim to collect the set. Anyway, for the next few weeks- sporadically, I suppose- I've decided to share a series of tongue-in-cheek motivational posters someone sent me. It takes a whole new meaning to the idea of what truly motivates.

"There are only two races on this planet-the intelligent and the stupid."
-John Fowles
Personally, I could deal with a lot of things, but I really can't deal with stupidity.

-John Fowles
Personally, I could deal with a lot of things, but I really can't deal with stupidity.
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