dino matrix

I had dinner with an old friend the other day after what seems like too long a time. The last time we met up properly was eons ago sometime mid last year. Then, technically, we met up at my wedding- but you can hardly count that given all the halabaloo that ensued that day. But finally, after being- unforgivingly too busy (its always an excuse with us these days eh?) we finally did get to catch up over Avocado shakes and good old Indonesian curry.
And over the must-have catch ups on the "what's happening in your life now and at work, blah, blah, blah" we got talking about "The Matrix" and how many of us spend our lives emeshed in some matrix or other and its a comfortable place where we live by certain rules and guidelines and worship some over-inflatedl yet ephemeral sense of Self. Of believing we can play God. Believing in that that sounds good to us, regardless of how unreal, how false and how deluded it might be. Because, after all, we like hearing the good stuff, we like knowing that we can fix our problems and win all the accolades we might desire- if only we believed in it long enough, hard enough and if we have people around us that champion them for us along the way.
I like what he says about living in the Matrix. There're always going to be people wanting to live in the Matrix simply because the Matrix exists. And there are people who can only survive in the Matrix because taking the pill and living in Zion is simply too stark, too real, too difficult. And that's ok. For the rest who keeps questioning and probing, who are not afraid to take the road untravelled or less travelled, who know that sometimes the truth does hurt: its ok to sometimes want to go back to the Matrix. Just be proud you've stuck to your guns and learnt to see what's really there.
Labels: general
At 11:25 PM,
Alvin said…
Spot on the Matrix.
And I loved catching up with you too, Cherie :)
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