simply complicated
To a large extent I don't think I'm dumb, in fact I like to think I'm decently intelligent. I can grasp relatively complex concepts and think through problems and makes sense of world issues. I know I'm not great at math- I get by stats but, only just- and I'm not a great speller (thank God for spell check.) I know what I like, what I don't like; I know what I'm capable to doing and acheiving and what's beyond my grasp. I understand that I won't please the world and there might be people out there who do not take to me so well, and I also know there are those that love and care for me. I don't think I'm all that tough to figure out, there'll be those that begs to differ but what the heck.
Thing is, there's alot about the world I don't get. I don't get why sometimes people say one thing and do the very things they say they despise. I don't get why people dare to say stuff about people- somtimes even in public- but recant and wish they could erase the the very words they gave breath to once someone else has something to say. I don't get why people make life difficult for themselves, why people allow themselves to be ruled by anger, governed by hate, purposed by venom. I don't get why friends betray one another, and why people dare to take credit for someone else's work- I'm an academic at heart, that, my dear, is called plagirism.

I get alot of things, I don't get this world.
Simply complicated. Anarchy rules. Perfectly awful. Awfully perfect. A 12-Ounce Pound Cake. Act Naturally. Alone Together. Anxious Patient. Approximately Equal. Artificial Intelligence. Authentic Reproduction. Benign Tumor. Blue Bird of Happines. Birthday Suit. Bitter Sweet. Boneless Ribs. Bright Night. Buffalo Wings. Business Ethics. Butt Head. Cardinal Sin. Cautiously Optimistic. Civil Disobedience. Civil War. Clean Litter. Clearly Misunderstood. Clever Fool. Click the start button to shut down. Close Distance. Comedic Tragedy. Commercial Art. Criminal Justice. Crisis Management. Critical Acclaim. Current History. Deafening Silence. Death Benefits. Definite Maybe. Detailed Summary. Devout Atheist. Doing Nothing. Domestic Violence. Exact Estimate. First Annual. Found Missing. Freezer Burn. Friendly Argument. Front End. Fuzzy Logic. Growing Smaller. High Minimum Wage. Hot Ice. Jumbo Shrimp. Least Favorite. Liberal Bias. Limited Lifetime Guarantee. Live Recording. Mandatory Option. Mercy Killing. Miracle Drug. Mobile Station. Natural Makeup. Original Copy. Passive Aggression. Perfect Idiot. Random Logic. Recent History. Same Difference. Sanitary Landfill. Stripper's Dressing Room. Victimless Crime. Virtual Reality
Thing is, there's alot about the world I don't get. I don't get why sometimes people say one thing and do the very things they say they despise. I don't get why people dare to say stuff about people- somtimes even in public- but recant and wish they could erase the the very words they gave breath to once someone else has something to say. I don't get why people make life difficult for themselves, why people allow themselves to be ruled by anger, governed by hate, purposed by venom. I don't get why friends betray one another, and why people dare to take credit for someone else's work- I'm an academic at heart, that, my dear, is called plagirism.

I get alot of things, I don't get this world.
Simply complicated. Anarchy rules. Perfectly awful. Awfully perfect. A 12-Ounce Pound Cake. Act Naturally. Alone Together. Anxious Patient. Approximately Equal. Artificial Intelligence. Authentic Reproduction. Benign Tumor. Blue Bird of Happines. Birthday Suit. Bitter Sweet. Boneless Ribs. Bright Night. Buffalo Wings. Business Ethics. Butt Head. Cardinal Sin. Cautiously Optimistic. Civil Disobedience. Civil War. Clean Litter. Clearly Misunderstood. Clever Fool. Click the start button to shut down. Close Distance. Comedic Tragedy. Commercial Art. Criminal Justice. Crisis Management. Critical Acclaim. Current History. Deafening Silence. Death Benefits. Definite Maybe. Detailed Summary. Devout Atheist. Doing Nothing. Domestic Violence. Exact Estimate. First Annual. Found Missing. Freezer Burn. Friendly Argument. Front End. Fuzzy Logic. Growing Smaller. High Minimum Wage. Hot Ice. Jumbo Shrimp. Least Favorite. Liberal Bias. Limited Lifetime Guarantee. Live Recording. Mandatory Option. Mercy Killing. Miracle Drug. Mobile Station. Natural Makeup. Original Copy. Passive Aggression. Perfect Idiot. Random Logic. Recent History. Same Difference. Sanitary Landfill. Stripper's Dressing Room. Victimless Crime. Virtual Reality
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ha. Tell me about it man. -*kimmy
At 10:49 PM,
Enchanted One said…
ur blog entry sums it all =)
At 9:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rie, I think you should check this out. I've always been interested in things like these...
At 8:44 PM,
kim said…
*hides in your little comment box* SHE'S TRAUMATISING ME AGAIN!
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