Dear God,
You know how much I love Christmas and all that it represents. Thank you so very much for all that you have given me this past year- its been a tumultus year to say the least and its good to know that at through it all you've been faithful when I've so often been faithless; that you have been the Constant in the constant chaos I find myself perpectually in; that you have been gracious when I have was not deserving. That you have loved unwaveringly when I have faltered and doubted.
I want to say a really big THANK YOU for all the very many amazing people you have sent my way this past year. Some I've known for a long time, others not quite so very long, but Time is all relative anyway. People like family, May, John, Jolie, Samuel, Olivia, Ramesh, Gerard, Max, Gabe, Lavinia, Tjin, Peiee, Karyn, Aunty Soy and Sook, Amelia, Debbie, Ruth, Angie and her three totally precous musketeers Alethea, Tim and Nathalie (for afternoons of endless joy) amongst the many more I'm bound to have forgotten but so deserve to belong in the list...
I want to say thanks for all these real-life angels you have sent my way. Some, deserve special mention...

Thanks for dad- for his utmost faith, love and belief in me. The last year has not always been easy for him with my insane schedules and what not. But thank you for the comfort that he's always got open and ready arms to catch me should I fall and ready legs to walk the tough parts of life's journey with me.

Thanks for Ruben- he's been my sanity in the insaneness of this world. For walking the tight rope with me, bearing life's brunts, whips and lashes with steadfastness and calmness. My stressed out nerves are grateful for his willingness to allow them space to ease out a little, and my frayed emotions are blessed for the outlet to rave, rant and be totally unreasonable at times.

Thanks for Kimmy- she's been a source of solace and understanding though she's got her own set of issues to juggle, her own sanity to preserve and her own path to forge. I'm so blessed to have her ready ear, willing shoulder and big heart work overtime for me these so very many months. I think I burned a bit in her handphone/computer bill.

Thanks for Brenda- she's been a phenomenal friend. Its been a tough road for her as well in many ways and yet she's always found time to be there for me when I needed someone simply to be. She's so often been shalved in a tough place and she's been unwavering in her stands, in her convictions and in the path she's on.

Thanks for Clary- I am so blessed through her, my gym buddy, old friend and girly girlfriend. Thanks for using Clary to remind me about the small, yet powerful things in life; like a good meal, good conversations, a good read and a hard, kick-ass workout. I'm so happpy for her as she makes plans to go back to the darn ivory tower. UK's far away, send extra angels to watch over her there ok?

Thanks for Royston- he's been possibly one of the fiercest friend a person could have. We've come a long way, Royst and I and I feel so tremendously blessed to number amongst those that he cares about. His phenomenal generosity, extraordinary patience and big heart where I'm concerned takes my breath away and truly makes me wonder what have I done to deserve all that.
In the precious name of your Son,
At 9:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
merry christmas!
At 12:04 AM,
kim said…
:) aww. babe i love you! *big hug*
At 12:17 AM,
Enchanted One said…
thanks aunty cherie =) the road less travelled may not always be the easiest, but it's the HOPE and the VISION that keep us going. no matter what we do or what happens, may all be true to our paths
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