getting my feet wet

I've been praying for stuff lately, very specific things about very specific people. And it feels right, it feels like things are moving in the right direction and it feels good. Then, there's that nagging voice at the back of my head that whispers: "But are you sure? Why don't you go do something about it?" And so I fret, I worry and start to fiddle with this and that; jumping the gun, wanting to move just a tad faster, desiring to make the contingencies and plan Bs... just in case He does not come through for me which is really silly cos I've been praying for a series of stuff (all these things come as a set as part of a greater whole) and the first few have already been answered and I'll just need to be patient. Faith, such a tough concept eh?
Oh, me of little faith...
Now that I think about it, I'm just being silly.
I'm just going to wait it out. :)
Let you know how it all goes soon enough!
At 10:28 PM,
Enchanted One said…
hm. it's not easy to have faith. take heart that at least you have a little faith. it can grow like a mustard seed
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