Thursday, June 29, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
there are...

Some things need to be done.
It's time to clean out the closet.
The skeletons need to come out and dance.
Cherie's breaking her silence.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
welcome to the family
When I was in university I owned a Toshiba Satellite which was touted to be one of the best laptops to own at that point in time. It was, as well, the choice laptop recommended by the school to buy. So, like any other trusting tech-illiterate girl, I stood in line, paid good money (which my dad made me earn myself doing holiday jobs) and left with the broadest grin on my face.
To cut the long story short the machine became the bane of my life; it would stall, act up, crash.. first only at the most unopportune time, then later, all the time till Toshiba extended my warranty by one year to make up for the extraordinary amount of time my lappy spent in the workshop.
In my honours year, I became- thanks to my neighbour and his gorgeous orange imac- a apple convert. I bought an ibook. The said ibook is still in existence today actually, still working though considerable slower and less powerful than the powerbook I traded it up for.
For years, I've been trying to entice my family- my second sister in particular cos she was such a hardened PC user (she claimed the ugly tablet fujitsu to be more superior... puke..puke...puke). They have finally switched from the dark side... recently they brough home, not one, but two totally magnificent macbooks complete with built in isight and all the other totall spectacular stuff in between.
Ah dear sisters... welcome to the club.
To cut the long story short the machine became the bane of my life; it would stall, act up, crash.. first only at the most unopportune time, then later, all the time till Toshiba extended my warranty by one year to make up for the extraordinary amount of time my lappy spent in the workshop.
In my honours year, I became- thanks to my neighbour and his gorgeous orange imac- a apple convert. I bought an ibook. The said ibook is still in existence today actually, still working though considerable slower and less powerful than the powerbook I traded it up for.
For years, I've been trying to entice my family- my second sister in particular cos she was such a hardened PC user (she claimed the ugly tablet fujitsu to be more superior... puke..puke...puke). They have finally switched from the dark side... recently they brough home, not one, but two totally magnificent macbooks complete with built in isight and all the other totall spectacular stuff in between.
Ah dear sisters... welcome to the club.

Saturday, June 10, 2006
Meme: 21 Things

So, here goes...
1. Much as I abhor romance novels and sappy chick flicks, I think I'm still a romantic at heart that wishes for prince charming on a pretty black horse to whisk me away into the sunset. Or maybe its just the horses, I'm not sure.
2. I've caught up with more friends in the last two months than I ever have in the last three years.
3. I need to take a break that is not induced by illness. The only real rest I've gotten all this time is when I fell ill two weeks back and was forced to rest and sleep.
4. I've not gone to the gym in 2 months considering I used to gym twice weekly before the closure of my oh-let-me-spoil-you gym. They had raindrop showers, fluffy towels and a fully carpeted place. Maybe that's why they went broke.
5. I've not been to the beach, pool or any other water body.
6. I've hung out with my JC classmates (read: girls, the guys were a tad weird) more often than I've ever had in the last 5 years since we left school. Its nice to rediscover how amazing they are.
7. I've spent way too many, though highly enjoyable, Harry Potter nights than most sane people. But I'm a fan, what can I say.
8. I've never laughed so much and cried so much in a single span of time as the last 6 months. Think it accounts for my slightly bipolar-ness.
9. I think I've been the most at peace with my work/career ever.
10. I actually like ALL my colleagues, for once. Usually, there's one or two that rub me the wrong way.
11. My heart ached and ceclebrated more times this past 6 months than it ever had. Over many things.
12. I learnt that friendship has many facets to it. Some good, others ugly but all real.
13. I learnt that the soul of a man is manifested in the actions that he does. Its probably the only true gauge of a person. Clay Aiken calls it the measure of a man.
14. I've discovered I still like TV dramas that are not necessarily criminal/forensic in nature, think: Grey's anatomy, Commander in chief and Lost.
15. I've stayed up till 6am consistently watching these said TV dramas. I've never done that in my life.
16. My shoulders are at their most tired cos I've had a lot of pressure put on them. I don't mind weights, but this is getting ridiculous.
17. I planned my wedding in 5 days. Most people find that rather amazing.
18. I've been hounded and scolded by my wedding designer for being too bo-chup. She says a bride-to-be ought to get significantly more excited about everything. Case in point: I'm trying to downsize my already slim fit gown.
19. I've been scolded for being too thin by more people and more often than ever before.
20. I packed up and shipped out my art and craft stuff. Its something I'd probably lay off for a while more.
21. I've never loved and appreciated my family more. Love you guys.
Ok, I tag: Mich, May, Joan, Adele, JW.
Friday, June 09, 2006
dime games

Let's say, you have a vision for your house: you want the white picket fences and the ostentatious pond, complete with black and white swans, flamingo figurines and a nature path to snake through the wide rolling hills you call your garden. Then, you lust after the head-banging-heart-stopping sound system and the plush, lush sofas and footrest. Afterall, a girl needs a nice place to put her feet up. You also want the eccletic collection of antiques- no, not the silly mock up kind from pottery barn- the true blue kind, shipped in from over there and beyond. You demand the perfect frills on your silk curtains, the perfect lighting for your perfect collection of fine art, the perfect this for the perfect that. Ah... you want the perfect house. Xbpx 360 and all.
And so, you find yourself a interior designer and architect and you lay out all your plans. You remind them not to forget the Starke showersheads for your bathrooms and the Italian made copper pots that would make Wolfgang Park proud. And... oh, before you forget, you say, almost as a passing comment over your shoulder... "by the way, please don't spend too much money. I'm on a budget. Oh, and, yeah, I can't afford to pay you either, but you're such a darling and I've known you for, like, forever. IF you need, rope a few of my friends in and forc-I mean, convince- them to, I don't know.. chip in to build the walls, the roof...whatever...Thanks!"
Seriously. If you want the Princess Diana works, marry a prince.
Don't fake it.
Its tiresome and annoying.
And rude.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Every action, has an equal and opposite reaction. You made your decision, I'll make mine. There has been choices, there will be consequence. Let's hope it ends pretty. Seems positive, but I'll reserve judgement for later.
Just do me a favour: quit with the promises.
Words are so very cheap.
Actions speak much more.