hold up the sky

the butterflies need their spring...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

getting rest

I've been rather ill for the past three weeks- it started as a gastric flu that became a flu that became a cough that gave rise to other complications. Have taken many courses of medicine- few courses of antibiotics and even steriods- and am still sick. I've seen several doctors (and some non-doctors who are also keen to dish out advice and more) all of who have prescribed the same thing: Cherie needs rest.

Like I didn't already know. The thing is this, everyone seems to assume that for me to "rest" it basically means Cherie sleeping. A lot. The thing is this: I've got too much on my mind to really sleep sleep. I've far too many deadlines to truly be "rested". People claim to lay off my case but they ever so annoyingly and incessantly ask for this, that and everything else. People promise this and that but fail to deliver. And then they pretend to empathise.

So, what really is rest? I did a dictionary.com search and came up with the following. I've underlined the ones I fully appreicate:

Define: Rest
1. the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep: a good night's rest.
2.refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor: to allow an hour for rest.
3.relief or freedom, esp. from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs.
4.a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquillity: to go away for a rest.
5.mental or spiritual calm; tranquillity.
6.the repose of death: eternal rest.
7.cessation or absence of motion: to bring a machine to rest.
8.Music. (a) an interval of silence between tones; (b) a mark or sign indicating it.
9.Prosody. a short pause within a line; caesura.
10.a place that provides shelter or lodging for travelers, as an inn.
11.any stopping or resting place: a roadside rest for weary hikers.
12.a piece or thing for something to rest on: a hand rest.
13.a supporting device; support.
14.Billiards, Pool. bridge1 (def. 14).
15.to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying down, or relaxing.
16.to relieve weariness by cessation of exertion or labor.
17.to be at ease; have tranquillity or peace.

18.to repose in death.
19.to be quiet or still.
20.to cease from motion, come to rest; stop.

21.to become or remain inactive.
22.to stay as is or remain without further action or notice: to let a matter rest.
23.to lie, sit, lean, or be set: His arm rested on the table.
24.Agriculture. to lie fallow or unworked: to let land rest.
25.to be imposed as a burden or responsibility (usually fol. by on or upon).
26.to rely (usually fol. by on or upon).
27.to be based or founded (usually fol. by on or upon).
28.to be found; belong; reside (often fol. by with): The blame rests with them.
29.to be present; dwell; linger (usually fol. by on or upon): A sunbeam rests upon the altar.
30.to be fixed or directed on something, as the eyes, a gaze, etc.
31.Law. to terminate voluntarily the introduction of evidence in a case.

So for those of you that need to bugger off please do. Those that need to step up to the plate, please do. For those of you that need to prioritise me, please do. Cos this girl's going nuts. Oh yeah, and for those that need to lay off my case, I'd apppreciate if you did too.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

still waters run no where

Its a funny thing this idea of forgiveness. As a general rule I rarely bear grudges- mainly because I have a short memory and sometimes I actually forget why I am mad at someone. Other times I simply make the said afflictor a non-issue; like conveniently erasing them from my mind (and sometimes my life). But most times its because bearing a grudge is tiring.

But I'm having trouble forgiving you.
And you two as well.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

treasure trove

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
(Mark 6:21)"

I've always loved this verse and this year this verse has taken on a brand new meaning, to grand new depths. And to make things nicer, a friend sent me an sms yesterday saying he saw this said same verse on the walls of CK Tang in lieu of Christmas (my personal favourite time of the year) and he thought of me, sent me warm wishes and congratulations and left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.*smile*

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I love House.

Friday, November 17, 2006

its time to look up

Too many things. Too many things.
Too little time. Too little time.
Left. Right. Left. Right.

Its time to look up to the sun.
Its time to look up to the Son.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I can only imagine...

I Can Only Imagine
By Chris Rice

I can only imagine what it will be like
When I walk by your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When your face is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

Surrounded by your glory
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you Jesus?
Or in awe of you be still?
Will I stand in your presence?
Or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

I can only imagine when that day comes
And I find myself standing in the son
I can only imagine when all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dear God...

Dear God,

Please help May-Ann as she takes her exam. As you know she's highly stressed, has way more on her plate that is humanly possible and far too little time for everything. So please send your angels to take care of her, bless her with good health, the ability to do well. And when you're dishing out portions of Grace for us all, please give her an extra portion ok?

Thank you. Love you. Amen.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

my favourite things

Someone recently asked me for a list of my favourite things. You know, the kind you list endlessly in those autograph books you kept as a child. The one where you wrote cheesy poems (I recall one boy writing "I have a pen, my pen is blue. I have a friend, my friend is you") that rhyme, along your name, birthdate, telephone number and address with the promise that you'd stay in touch, send birthday greetings, Christmas cards and all that other stuff young innocent children promise they'd do- till life's hustle and bustle consumes us. It was a funny time where it seemed mighty important that people knew your favourite colour was pink, or maybe orange. Or that you liked Andy Lau (I did at that time... sigh...) or that Roxette or Guns and Roses were your favourite band.

But I had a fun time chatting with this friend about our favourite things- after a fabulous dinner, amidst laughter, and over lemon meringue. So this is totally mundane, almost silly but a rough overview of the evening. Here goes...

Favourite colour: Midnight blue. If it's on a vintage porsche, all the better.
Favourite song: The warrior is child by Twila Paris. (Jr: This is unchanged all these years)
Favourite verse: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt 6:21)
Favourite hymn: Be thou my vision
Favourite singer: None. Curerntly listening to Stacy kent (Gabe: You take credit for this)
Favourite band: Neri Per Caso
Current life anthem: Rascal Flatt's God Bless the broken road. Before, Aguilera's Fighter
Favourite past time: Reading
Favoutite food: Currently Azhang's Dijon lamb ribs
Favourite dessert: Creme Brulee (since I sank my teeth into one at Les Amis years ago)
Favourite vegetable: Brinjal/Aubergine/eggplant (all same to me)
Favourite drink: Lemonade with aloe bits
Favourite tea: Earl Grey by Twinnings or Clipper thank you very much
Favourite coffee: Cuppacino
Favourite alcoholic drink: I've stopped drinking, but inniskillin ice wine still rocks
Favourite movie: Stormriders. (May: sigh... I'm a sad child)
Favourite TV drama: House. (John: Yes, over Grey's Anatomy & Criminal Minds)
Favourite actor: Sean Connery, no contest.
Favourite actress: Audrey Hepburn
Favourite public place: Ikea
Favourite animal: Dogs. Horses come a close second
Favourite piece of clothing: My jeans
When I'm stressed: I brood. Alot. And cry. Then usually I'm ok.
Most underated talent: Cooking
Most overated talent: That I don't get fazed in public. I do sometimes. Really.
Can't stand: The smell of jackfruit or Nanga (I don't know the real difference)
I'm a closet: Bejeweled fan (Ann's a worthy accomplice)
I'd never: Streak naked in public
I'd always: Find chocolate irresistable, especially nutella

Monday, November 06, 2006

pre-wedding treat

Its been a relatively fun few days for me. I've actually been rather ill the past two weeks (first with gastric flu then with flu, then with a bad cough that's tapering off but still there) it's been a rather dreary two weeks. This is on top of the insane meetings, trainings and new projects that seem too continually stack up and fill up my schedule. So when I got a surprise call from Clarins to say a family friend had arranged for me and my wedding entourage to have a girly spa day at the Institut Clarins it was a real breath of fresh air.

So, today, six of us trooped down to the bliss-filled Institut Clarins for our little pre-wedding pampering in what Clarins calls the touch-and-treat package (each person got to pick a treatment of their choice, I got two!) complete with finger food, fruits, private cordoned off area to lazy about and personal therapists to see to making us feel like princesses. Or queens. Jo and I finished last so we entertained ourselves tinkering and fiddling with all the Clarins products made available to us: makeup, body stuff, face stuff, fragrances.... It was like home econs with super high-end products.

Loads of laughs, good company and one heck of a relaxing day...

I'm sleeping happy tonight. :)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

traumatising mich and making jo smile

I'm personally not a huge fan of the silly-almost-comic-book-like teriyaki boys song about Tokyo and fast and furious driving. But I must admit that hearing Jo and May go at it at Mich made me almost want to jump on the bandwagon.

And on another note, Tasha managed to help me score a Paul Twohill autograph so I can watch Jo's face totally light up. I still don't get it, but it made her totally squeal with glee. Actually, squealing is putting it mildly; but its a sound I can't quite describe so squeal will have to do.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The girls did a thing for me...

Generally, I meet up with my girlfriends in little pockets. Meaning, usually never in a big group. Last night I got all of them all at the same time. :) Amelia and Lavina masterminded a small bachelorette thingy for me (which I'm told is going to continue next Friday night) and my little pockets of girlfriends all came together for food and drinks.

Thanks all for being there. Love you all.

Friday, November 03, 2006

looking for staff


I am looking for temp/part time staff to work with me and my training team in the next few months. We boast flexible working hours, great office location (purvis street) and a positive working environment. Looking to start immediately.

Also, all those interested in doing internships with us this holiday, please submit your resumes to me soon. We're closing our applications 15th November 2006.

All interested parties to mail: infoATekatraining.com

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I give up.