hold up the sky

the butterflies need their spring...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I don't think so kitty...

I'll admit that I like it when things go my way.

I like it when I get what I ask for; be it big things or small, towards tangible outcomes or post-material ones. I like it when I get to do what I want when it tickles my fancy in the manner that I choose to the extent that I desire. I like it when people agree with me: either to do things according to the oh-great-cherie-decree (yeah, yeah, roll your eyes... ) willingly, or simply to make me happy. I like it when I am not forced to compromise my values/principles/standards. I like it when I get to eat what my heart desires (its been a lot of Azhang's chocolate pudding lately along with Papi's sliced veal) and when I get to laugh out loud, snigger at stepford wives (this is a long story), gauff at silly things, snort unglamourously, bitch about whatever, gossip about whoever.

Yeah, I like to behave like a spoilt child- I get away with it sometimes, not always- and I make no excuses. (Ok, PMS is sometimes a convenient excuse but oh well...) And so, when someone pisses on my shoes, steps on my toes, hurt the people I care about, take what's rightfully mine and play mindgames with me... it becomes a no holds barred crusade for me. I've had 4 brutal years of training in school with the very best in the business; (I mean, compared to some of my "coursemates" I'm a consummate amateur), so sometimes things aren't always pretty even if it is usually swift and decisive.

Ah... keep the claws sharp, the mind sharper and the heart in the right place. Let the games begin...

note to debators reading this:- Remember, affirmative action is not swift and decisive action. *smile* You know what I'm talking about...

Monday, August 14, 2006

agent cheerleader

Many people have asked me what the heck is up with my MSN nick which currently reads: Agent Cheerleader, Agent Magpie, Agent Ninja and Agent Skeletor. Here's why...

Ok, see, May, Mich and I are huge Alias fans. (Actually, I'm just a Michael Vartan fan, oh and I like the little tech guy, Marshall.) Anyways, my Alias obsession is a story for another day. Anyway, in the wake of our trawling through the seasons, we have come up with agent call signs for ourselves. As probably guessed, I've been christianed Agent Cheerleader (May says I was part of the cheerleader and jock club in JC, I still beg to differ, but that's a pepectual argument); Mich's Agent Magpie- she hordes EVERYTHING- I know cos I just helped her move and she's got tons of things. And May's Agent Ninja though I reckon Agent Techwhiz or Agent Everywhere would suit her fine. And, lately, we've included a new member into our clan, Agent Skeletor; Shan's em, a tad, em, thin?

Note to girls: I'm declariing Soph Agent Vodka.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Aunty Cherie...

Many of you know I have two sisters, but not many of you know I have two brothers too. One's Junior who's married to my cousin, so that makes him my cousin-in-law as well. I "adopted" him-or maybe I should say he adopted me- when I was 13 and over the years has held my hand when I needed comforting, offer a shoulder when I needed one, a wake up calll wehn the occassion required it and advice central. When I was 15, I met my other "brother" Ben, or Kor Kor Ben as he is more affectionately known in my home, who's only one of the most amazing persons I've ever had the blessing of meeting; and over the years he's been nothing short of great. Then he married this totally amazing girl- Faith- and now, they have another amazing addition to their Ho-ho-ho family- Anastacia. That's the kid on the right... and she's the cutest thing I've set my eyes on in a long, long time.

Congrats Ben & Faith... love you both. :)

Sunday, August 06, 2006


I finally know what's real.
Appreciate the honesty, even if the truth is hard to handle.
I'll deal with it.