hold up the sky

the butterflies need their spring...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

my favourite things

Someone recently asked me for a list of my favourite things. You know, the kind you list endlessly in those autograph books you kept as a child. The one where you wrote cheesy poems (I recall one boy writing "I have a pen, my pen is blue. I have a friend, my friend is you") that rhyme, along your name, birthdate, telephone number and address with the promise that you'd stay in touch, send birthday greetings, Christmas cards and all that other stuff young innocent children promise they'd do- till life's hustle and bustle consumes us. It was a funny time where it seemed mighty important that people knew your favourite colour was pink, or maybe orange. Or that you liked Andy Lau (I did at that time... sigh...) or that Roxette or Guns and Roses were your favourite band.

But I had a fun time chatting with this friend about our favourite things- after a fabulous dinner, amidst laughter, and over lemon meringue. So this is totally mundane, almost silly but a rough overview of the evening. Here goes...

Favourite colour: Midnight blue. If it's on a vintage porsche, all the better.
Favourite song: The warrior is child by Twila Paris. (Jr: This is unchanged all these years)
Favourite verse: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt 6:21)
Favourite hymn: Be thou my vision
Favourite singer: None. Curerntly listening to Stacy kent (Gabe: You take credit for this)
Favourite band: Neri Per Caso
Current life anthem: Rascal Flatt's God Bless the broken road. Before, Aguilera's Fighter
Favourite past time: Reading
Favoutite food: Currently Azhang's Dijon lamb ribs
Favourite dessert: Creme Brulee (since I sank my teeth into one at Les Amis years ago)
Favourite vegetable: Brinjal/Aubergine/eggplant (all same to me)
Favourite drink: Lemonade with aloe bits
Favourite tea: Earl Grey by Twinnings or Clipper thank you very much
Favourite coffee: Cuppacino
Favourite alcoholic drink: I've stopped drinking, but inniskillin ice wine still rocks
Favourite movie: Stormriders. (May: sigh... I'm a sad child)
Favourite TV drama: House. (John: Yes, over Grey's Anatomy & Criminal Minds)
Favourite actor: Sean Connery, no contest.
Favourite actress: Audrey Hepburn
Favourite public place: Ikea
Favourite animal: Dogs. Horses come a close second
Favourite piece of clothing: My jeans
When I'm stressed: I brood. Alot. And cry. Then usually I'm ok.
Most underated talent: Cooking
Most overated talent: That I don't get fazed in public. I do sometimes. Really.
Can't stand: The smell of jackfruit or Nanga (I don't know the real difference)
I'm a closet: Bejeweled fan (Ann's a worthy accomplice)
I'd never: Streak naked in public
I'd always: Find chocolate irresistable, especially nutella


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