This Formula 1 season has been a new experience for me. For one, Michael Shumacher (otherwise known as Celine Dion) is not racing which makes me one little happy camper. People have always mistaken me to be an anti-ferrari fan and alllow me to set the record straight: I do like their cars, their seamless teamwork and impeccable racing strategy. I've loved their cars (F1 and the roadsters). Really. I just don't like Mr. Celine Dion. I mean, I give that he's a good driver but, that's as far as I'd go.

So, when this season began without Ms Dion, and with one of my favourites Kimi joining the Reds, its been a tough choice for me. Do I defect and support the ice-cool Finn whom's I've rooted for for the past few seasons? Or do I continue with the Silver Arrows whom I've loved since the time of the great Aryton Senna (I even named one of my dogs after him, another after Mansell and yet another Schikane- at the height of my F1 craze) though I'm not that huge an Alonso fan?

But over the last two races, I've tried to be neutral about things, to root for "the better driver" and stuff like that. You know, watch the race sitting on the fence and being "objective". Thing is, while I was truly happy Kimi took home the prize at the opening race, I still rued that Macs sat on second and third. I was "happy" but controlledly so. But this week, after willing the Macs to a one-two finish, with Kimi boy in third I was totally floored. While there was a part of me that would be ok if Kimi won this last Sepang race, truth is, you can't take away years of being a Mac fan.
I don't mind the boys in Red. But I still love my boys in Silver more.
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