My good friend Clary and I were in the middle of a really nice dinner at Ristorante Oso- one of our favourite restaurants- having a nice little farewell dinner for her in lieu of her going away to UK (King's College Law Program, no less) for a second degree. And in between exquisite slow-roasted-for-8-hours-lamb and oh-so-gorgeous-chocolate-tart I received a phone call from a psychologist friend of mine (her identity's withheld for soon-to-be-apparent reasons) who was in high distress. *twilight zone music sounds in the background*
Of course, since she works with sex offenders, abused kids, dysfunctional people in general, I figured that for her to sound that bad- to the point of desperation= the situation had to be positively dire. I don't know, maybe the sun had decided to burn itself out, or her pet turtle suffocated or the world received news that they were stopping the production of oreos or nutella. Or worse, they were going to allow the little bush to run for a third term. *heart mocks palpatations*
So, through her rants and raves via a crappy Nokia phone with poor reception and a place that was teeming with loud Italians... I finally figured out what her utter distress was about. She, my 26 year old smart-as-hell girlfriend, was worried that Paul Twohill (or is it Toohill, I'm not sure. I don't really care anyway) might get kicked out of Singapore Idol. And she, my usually-down-to-earth and generally rather mature girlfriend whom I rely on for support every once and a while, was TOTALLY UPSET that he had sung badly and might not win the damn title. *rolls eyes* And she admitted to have voted FIVE times for the stupid eye-liner-wearing-male-version-of-an-Avril-lavigne-wannabe! For the record, I like Avril. But, back to my story.... *roll eyes again*
Anyway, to make things worse- as if they could get any worse- my mom, who's a huge Jonathan fan (I think he's the Ah Beng looking one that can actually sing) scored tickets to watch the results show and said Madwoman is going with her. And needless to say, she's excited as anything.
Sigh.... Isn't it amazing that you could be friends with someone for years and stand totalyl amaze at how a person's mental age can regress so? I say its a case for Ripleys....