hold up the sky

the butterflies need their spring...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

no more technophobe

I would hardly call myself a Mac-vengalist though I do love the macs a great deal and I do tell people about the wonders of the Mac and stuff. Plus, I love the I'm-a-mac-I'm-a-Pc ads. Its hilarious. In fact, I have loved the Mac ads so far particualrly the one with the guy who sticks his tongue out at the old imac who "sticks" its CD holder out at him. Its clever as hell.

Now, not many of you might know this, but the reason why I switched to Macs years ago was because my Toshiba crashed on me so often it stopped being funny. The month before I started my honors year, I bought myself an ibook; which I should add is still in pretty good working condition and alive in my office till today. Its 5 years old and going strong. And I've sworn off the PCs; I feel like a retard when I have to use Windows and I avoid it as much as I can.

But today finally came when I had to cross over to the dark side. Sigh... It was an ordeal I don't particularly care to repeat.

You see, we needed to get a desktop for the office given the ones we have aren't doing so good so Rub and I braved the crowd and went down to Funan to pick up a desktop. We wanted it as basic, as stable, as- if I dare to say it- normal as possible. And so the nice computer guy patiently explained the computer specs and this and that and all the other computerspeak that went right over my head. The two of us just stood there and stared back at him as he blabbed on about pentium this, celeron that and windows XP this and Vista that, yahdah....yahdah... And after he went on for what I think was a long time, all we could say was... "Em, sorry, we're mac users. Just help us get a machine at $X amount with the basic-Y specs and the Z-stuff. And that's it."

And after we set it up in the office, I found myself looking at it- with a mix of disgust and disbelief- and going... "Oh my goodness... its ugly!"



  • At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I HEAR YOU ON THAT! PCs suck. Big time.

  • At 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    NO. cheryl and I think it's nice! =)


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