Janus' pants on fire
There are liars and there are liars. And then, there are liars .
Confession: I've lied. And I'd probably do it again on some future occasion, at some situation or other, in some yet to be specified place and time. And that's the honest truth.
Let's be honest, all of us have lied before. We have lied to our teachers, our friends, our spouses, our parents, our kids. We have lied to the doctor, the hairdresser, the traffic police, the mama-shop man, we lie to ourselves for crying out loud. We have told tiny white lies, sometimes in the justified guise of excuses, and we have told more monumental ones we are so terrified someone will bust us on, we keep looking over our shoulder. And yes, there are some lies we tell that are forgivable, and there are many that are much harder to get past. And much as we try to stop ourselves- sometimes its just so hard isn't it? That there are those of us who are honest enough, (wo)man enough to admit we've transgressed verbally; and given I'm not perfect either, I applaud you. At the least, for your honesty to yourself.
What I have issues with are those who bitch, rail, rant, curse and swear at others- "She's a damn liar!" "He lied to my face!' "She's so two-faced." "He's lying!" When someone is less than honest with them, oh self procliamed Truth Zealots, and they embark on a crusade against their alledged verbal perpertrators with all the passion and zeal that could shame a screaming weed-high crowd at a classic Rolling Stone concert. Come on, haven't you all been less than honest? Haven't you not told the whole truth? Haven't you told a tale, spun a story, started a vicious spite? Haven't you been two-faced at some point of other, to someone or another? Wake up, smell the coffee- its so easy to see the speck of dirt in your brother's eye, but not the plank in your own.
Then there are the lies that we can live with and the lies that we cannot live with. For most part, we are fine with lying but not so fine when we are being lied to. There is the matter of how big the lie, how destructive the lie, how prepared the lie, how extensive the lie, how expansive the lie... you get the drift. So, I've been lied to- I hate the feeling and for most times, I think I kind of make my peace and I move on. Other times, I don't make my peace, but I suck it in and cache this new frames of reference. Then, there are the lies that I cannot deal with. People who know me will know, I tolerate a lot of nonsense and loads of crap but you violate my trust in crucial ways- even just once, even if its miniscule- its a tough chasm to recover from.
Maybe I just don't deal very well with these things. Then again, with me, a quick, sincere apology usually goes a much longer way than attempts at reasoning and rationalizing with me. I don't deal with explanations so good, just say you're sorry and we can move on. Don't bother to bloody over-analyze me. Don't even try to comprehend how something you think is so small can affect me that much. Don't even attempt to justify, or validate or explain.
If I wrote the instructions in big bold letters in the clear blue sky you'd probably miss it.
Over and out buddy, Rie has left the building.
Not cos she wants to, but she has to.
Confession: I've lied. And I'd probably do it again on some future occasion, at some situation or other, in some yet to be specified place and time. And that's the honest truth.

What I have issues with are those who bitch, rail, rant, curse and swear at others- "She's a damn liar!" "He lied to my face!' "She's so two-faced." "He's lying!" When someone is less than honest with them, oh self procliamed Truth Zealots, and they embark on a crusade against their alledged verbal perpertrators with all the passion and zeal that could shame a screaming weed-high crowd at a classic Rolling Stone concert. Come on, haven't you all been less than honest? Haven't you not told the whole truth? Haven't you told a tale, spun a story, started a vicious spite? Haven't you been two-faced at some point of other, to someone or another? Wake up, smell the coffee- its so easy to see the speck of dirt in your brother's eye, but not the plank in your own.
Then there are the lies that we can live with and the lies that we cannot live with. For most part, we are fine with lying but not so fine when we are being lied to. There is the matter of how big the lie, how destructive the lie, how prepared the lie, how extensive the lie, how expansive the lie... you get the drift. So, I've been lied to- I hate the feeling and for most times, I think I kind of make my peace and I move on. Other times, I don't make my peace, but I suck it in and cache this new frames of reference. Then, there are the lies that I cannot deal with. People who know me will know, I tolerate a lot of nonsense and loads of crap but you violate my trust in crucial ways- even just once, even if its miniscule- its a tough chasm to recover from.
Maybe I just don't deal very well with these things. Then again, with me, a quick, sincere apology usually goes a much longer way than attempts at reasoning and rationalizing with me. I don't deal with explanations so good, just say you're sorry and we can move on. Don't bother to bloody over-analyze me. Don't even try to comprehend how something you think is so small can affect me that much. Don't even attempt to justify, or validate or explain.
If I wrote the instructions in big bold letters in the clear blue sky you'd probably miss it.
Over and out buddy, Rie has left the building.
Not cos she wants to, but she has to.
At 11:27 PM,
Enchanted One said…
reminds me of the story of Jesus and the adulteress. they wanted to stone her. when he said only those who did NOT sin can stone her... all left from the most pious to the youngest person in the crowd....
At 1:41 AM,
kim said…
At 11:04 PM,
Unknown said…
i'm sorry
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