what's real, Peter Pan?

I've not really enjoyed this erstwhile favourite time of the year this time round. Its been bligted by This, plagued by That, marred by unruly expectations and messy connundrums. It has, however, been a real eye opener, a true blue awakener, a honest-to-goodness blast in reality. Life's not so simple babe. People cheat, people lie, people do whatever it takes to ease their carnal soul. They tear, they rip, they punch, they bully in a desperate bid to sooth their savageries; whatever they may be.
I say, beware the devil in the angel's mask. They are everywhere.
Maybe they are in the seat next to yours, or the one two rows down.
Maybe it was the person you met yesterday, or that nameless face from your faceless past.
Or maybe, just maybe, he's right in your seat.
Grow up Peter Pan, you destroyed your NeverNeverland...
Tinkerbell's too good for you...
At 5:34 PM,
kim said…
better to realise then never, i suppose.. *hugs*
At 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
eek. sounds painful. sic escher tiger on 'em.
At 9:30 PM,
hold up the sky said…
yeah, Peter Pan was a real bastard to my friend.
At 11:35 PM,
kim said…
roarrr *stabs* eh are you in the arghhh-i-wanna-stab-something mode? heh. cos i am :) lets go out and kill something! niahahah
At 12:17 AM,
Enchanted One said…
no killing please be peaceful !
At 12:36 AM,
hold up the sky said…
he cheated. come on my enchanted one....
At 12:37 AM,
hold up the sky said…
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At 1:24 AM,
kim said…
kill i say, kill.
At 10:28 PM,
Enchanted One said…
may we all have the graciousness of the Lord. i am still learning ... i hv no rit 2 preach... all i know is tt jus do good and good will return to us
At 1:13 AM,
Enchanted One said…
if peter pan is a two timer, he deserves to be stab stab stab !!!
At 1:27 PM,
hold up the sky said…
so much for peace huh enchantress... :)
At 12:38 AM,
Enchanted One said…
well, some things just can't be compromised ... HAIZ
At 12:21 PM,
hold up the sky said…
haha... I guess so. Things like Trust, Faith and Love i suppose.
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