Ever since I was little I've never had an issue with energy. I could play for hours and not tire and my mum tells me I'd entertain myself endlessly into the night while she and my dad went to bed. I had my own room filled with toys and books and all the other stuff a little girl plays with after all.
As I got older and when my second sister came along it was countless hours running the garden, playing with our 19 barbie dolls (we cut the toes of one doll one time cos she wouldn't fit into her shoes, but that's a story for another time) or setting up fake zoos in our split-level highly pink room with the tons of animal toys we amassed over the years; if my memory serves me right, our grandparents bought them for us from Thailand- it inlcuded a 2m large lion which we'd ride on.
Then when school and ECAs started to get demanding- netball, choir, debates, drama, editorial, competitions, tests, exams, assignments, other stupid time-consuming affairs- it was all systems go and go!-go!-go! The demand, pressure and discipline of debate, for example used to keep me in school till past nine often enough and then I tried to balance that with choir and their endless practices... I gave in after a while and became the token choir member and began hosting all their concerts at the end of the day.
Once school ended and work began it was the same thing: long hours of high energy expense day after day after day in training, coaching or all the other stuff that work entailed. By this time, my energy stamina was respectable. My innate ability to push my body past exhaustion, maintain some semblance of poise and a huge smile all whilst trying to impact lives was- and I'm patting myself on the back here- nothing short of totally and utterly respectable.
BUT.... methinks I've pushed my limits a tad far these days, hardly surprising with the new projects on my plate (and I'm highly excited about them while being immensely grateful for them), cos I've never been quite so exhausted before. Like flat out, totally wiped out, all-systems-crashing-kind-of-way...
So... apologies to the tons of people I owe work to, apologies to the many people I should be following up with, catching up with and generally spending more than touch-and-go time with.
Rie just needs to rest for a bit ok? *hugs*