Day 6: Fish out of water

Children fit in the snow
Why do I feel I don't fit in?
Anywhere I go?
I was once regaled with it by a chorus full of young vocal talents accompanied by an ensemble of talented ballerinas perfoming Pippin and at once fell in love with the title track. It was a poignant story of a young disillusioned and dissatisfied prince at the turning point of his life battling to find his way amidst the pulls of royal obligations, political duty and personal desires. It was colourful, entertaining and ultimately real. Musicals have a funny knack of coming to life often enough.
Eagles belong where they can fly
I've got to be where my spirit can run free
Got to find my corner of the sky
I've found it hard over the last few years growing up. When you're 16, the world's your oyster and given my very female-empowered upbringing I was brimful of wants, dreams and ambition. I was like a bulldozer raring to take on anything life would throw at me. When I hit 18, saw me dead set to join the legal ranks, I was a debater, I decided I spoke rather well and all until I interned at a law firm and sent my law plans spiralling in the opposite direction. At 21 years, I recall a huge huge birthday party with over a hundred guests who clapped and applauded to my very promising life and all that jazz. I lapped it up lock, stock and barrel on the surface, inside I doubt I've ever been quite so terrified of the prospect that I actually had my whole life stretched out in front of me, a blank canvas waiting for my very uninspired artistry.
To settle for something small
But I know I won't rest until I know
That I have it all...
At 25, going on to 26 I look back at my not-so-very-long past and I realise that I still have very little clue as to where exactly I fit in in this world, no real concretness to my daily methods. It's like riding on a train with a ticket you did not purchase but was given to you by somone who looked you straight in the eye and said, "Have faith in Me." A train whose destination you have no real idea of and all you see are the ever changing landscape and blinding scenery; all you feel is the beating of your anxious heart in a strange syncophanted samba with the roaring engines of time and change. And all you have for company is suitcase of Ideals, a bag of Dreams and sackful of Faith.
Just listen when I'm gone
And faraway you'll hear me singing-
Softly to the dawn
And maybe, that ought to be enough.
At 1:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
You've been writing quite a bit lately :)
You've captured your feelings well, in a way I can identify as feeling the same.
I don't really know where I fit in the world, what I'm all about and what I'm here for either, life feels like something unexpected and a large surprise :)
Despite every other motivational speaker's promise to reveal to you your Life's Destiny in 7 Steps or less, I get the feeling that life is a constant journey of discovery, that like old clothes we put on, love, discard for new ones, perhaps the many different facets and phases of our lives are like that too.
And perhaps there is no larger one defining moment or truth, but a series of moments by moments just meant to be lived.
We're a long-running TV series instead of a one-hit movie!
At 11:23 AM,
hold up the sky said…
Yeap, thers'a going to be alot of me for 40 days. Been reading the Purpose Driven Life and am charting my thoughts for 40 days based on the stuff that I read which for some reason seems to meld with real life freakily so.
Its also a way for a friend of mine to "spot check" to see that I'm sticking to my 40 day committment.
At 11:52 PM,
Enchanted One said…
hmm... i think it's more like a HK soap opera
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